Pine Mountain Club Weather - Provided by Jerris.Net, since 2003 - NOAA Spotter VTU425

Old Weather Data



This data was collected manually from and old Lacrosse WS-2310 Wireless Weather Station and software. This station was put into service on January 10, 2003. This form of monitoring was replaced with the Davis Vantage Pro2 wireless weather system which remains in service today. This is what updates on the PMCWeather.Org. All data was recorded on XL (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets) and then posted as web pages, selectable below. Data is as accurate as any, it was just a lot more work than the auto-updating the Davis system does for us each and every day.

The PMC weather station is located in the North West Valley of Pine Mountain Club at an elevation of 5555 feet above sea level. Information and data is used for entertainment and record reporting to the NOAA and other various news agencies. Persons planning to drive to the area should NOT use this information, check with Cal-Trans or the Highway Patrol for current road conditions.

The data below is spreadsheets from January 10, 2003 thru December 1, 2003.

January     February     March     April     May     June

    July     August     September     October     November

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